report | Jan 14, 2013

As Religious Restrictions Rise, European Court To Decide Cases Involving Religious Symbols

On Tuesday (January 15), the European Court of Human Rights is scheduled to announce decisions on several high profile religious freedom cases involving the United Kingdom. Two complaints claim British law inadequately protects employees’ right to display symbols of their religion in the workplace. The cases involve a British Airways employee and a nurse in […]

report | Jan 14, 2013

In Gun Control Debate, Several Options Draw Majority Support

Overview While the issue of gun control remains divisive, there are clear areas of agreement when it comes to a number of gun policy proposals. Fully 85% of Americans favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks, with comparable support from Republicans, Democrats and independents. Similarly, 80% support laws […]

report | Jan 10, 2013

After a Highly Partisan Election Year, Survey Finds Less Group Conflict

After a divisive presidential campaign that focused on such polarizing issues as economic class and immigration, a new Pew Research survey finds that the American public perceives less conflict between groups at the center of these debates now than before the campaign began. The survey finds that 58% of adults say there are “very strong” […]

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