More Republicans than Democrats Think Their Own Party Is out of Touch
Over a third of Republicans (36%) say the GOP is out of touch with the American people, a figure higher than Democrats who say the same of their party.
Over a third of Republicans (36%) say the GOP is out of touch with the American people, a figure higher than Democrats who say the same of their party.
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Women comprise almost half the workforce (46.7%) and now surpass men in college enrollment and completion. But their earnings still lag men.
The conclave to elect the next pope will begin on Tuesday, March 12. Half of the cardinal electors gathering at the Vatican are European (52%), while 17% come from Latin America. Latin America has the largest share of the world's Catholic population (39%), while 24% of Catholics live in Europe.
The Senate on Thursday confirmed John Brennan to be the new director of the CIA after several senators took part in a filibuster focusing on the administration's drone strategy. A majority of Americans support drone strikes against suspected terrorist targets abroad, but some (31%) express concerns are about the legality of the program.
Overview Latinos own smartphones, go online from a mobile device and use social networking sites at similar—and sometimes higher—rates than do other groups of Americans, according to a new analysis of three surveys by the Pew Research Center. The analysis also finds that when it comes to using the internet,1 the digital divide between Latinos […]
Just over half of U.S. Catholics say the next pope should maintain the traditional teachings of the church; nearly as many favor new directions.