report | Apr 29, 2013

Political Blame for Flight Delays Spread Evenly

Overview As Washington sprang into action late last week to end the furlough of federal air-traffic controllers and delays at airports across the country, the public blamed both sides for the situation. Nearly equal percentages say congressional Republicans (34%) and the Obama administration (32%) are more to blame for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) budget […]

report | Apr 25, 2013

Gun Control and the Media

The Twitter debate about gun control has taken many twists and turns since the Newtown killings, according to a new Pew Research Report that looks at the mainstream coverage and social media conversation on that issue. Which terms did the media most often invoke when discussing gun control? And how big a factor was President Obama in driving the narrative about it?

report | Apr 25, 2013

Rhode Island on Verge of Becoming 10th State to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

On April 24, Rhode Island took a step toward becoming the 10th U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage when its Senate approved a measure that would grant gays and lesbians the right to wed. Our analysis also discusses four other states that are considering proposals related to same-sex marriage.

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