report | May 23, 2013

Broad Support for Renewed Background Checks Bill, Skepticism about Its Chances

Overview Following the Senate’s rejection of gun legislation last month, the public continues to overwhelmingly favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks. Nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) say that if the Senate bill is reintroduced, Congress should pass it. However, even gun control advocates are pessimistic that new […]

report | May 23, 2013

Global Econ Quiz

Test how much you know about economic attitudes in the world, based on an international survey by the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project.

report | May 23, 2013

Advanced Economies Report Lowest Deprivation

While people in advanced economies are most bearish about their economic situation, they report very low levels of deprivation relative to others around the world, including people in emerging nations who are more positive and optimistic about economic conditions. Reports of deprivation are closely related to national wealth. For example, in Australia, Canada and Germany […]

report | May 23, 2013

Widespread Dissatisfaction with Economy

Publics around the world are decidedly unhappy about their nations’ economies. However, citizens of emerging market countries are overall more pleased with their economies than are people in advanced or developing economies. A median of 53% in emerging markets say their national economy is doing well, compared with 33% in developing countries and 24% in […]

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