New Census Figures Raise a Good Question
This is a brief description of a posting on FactTank about new Census Bureau population estimates that show deaths among non-Hispanic whites exceeded births in 2012.
Why there are more deaths than births among whites
The finding that made headlines from this week’s Census Bureau release of new national and state population estimates—that there are now more deaths than births among non-Hispanic whites—is a vivid illustration of the rapid long-term growth in the number of older Americans. But first, you might ask, how could there suddenly be more deaths than […]
U.S. aid to Syrian rebels: Public has opposed American involvement in the past
Public opinion surveys have consistently shown Americans to have little interest in the Syrian conflict and have been opposed -- or lukewarm, at best, -- to getting involved.
Chart of the Week: The landscape of food assistance
A chart based on American Community Survey data shows how unevenly food stamp recipients are distributed across the country.
The New American Father
A new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that Americans expect dad to be more of a moral teacher and emotional comforter than a breadwinner or disciplinarian.
Ellen DeGeneres is the most visible gay or lesbian public figure in America
More than anyone else, Ellen DeGeneres is the face of LGBT America. Still. That’s the verdict of two new Pew Research Center surveys, one of the general U.S. population and the other of LGBT Americans specifically. Not only was the comedian and television host by far the most frequently cited example of a gay or […]
G8 leaders must play to differing public expectations on economy
When the leaders of the G8 countries gather June 17 and 18 in Northern Ireland for their annual tête-à-tête, their economic dialogue will largely be a tale of woe: poor economic performance that has severely eroded public economic confidence in most of their countries. But individual leaders face contrasting challenges. There are growing public expectations, especially […]
Rate of non-fatal violent crime falls since the 1990s
The rate of overall non-fatal violent crimes fell to 2,254 per 100,000 Americans in 2011, compared with 7,976 in 1993.
Promoting and Sustaining Collaborative Networks in Pediatrics
Susannah Fox will participate in a national invitational meeting on "Promoting and Sustaining the Collaborative Network Model in Pediatrics" in Alexandria, VA.