report | Jun 19, 2013
An estimated 242,000 Hispanics of Argentinean origin resided in the United States in 2011, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Argentineans in this statistical profile are people who self-identified as Hispanics of Argentinean origin; this means either they themselves are Argentinean immigrants or they trace their family ancestry to Argentina. Argentineans are the […]
report | Jun 19, 2013
An estimated 259,000 Hispanics of Venezuelan origin resided in the United States in 2011, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Venezuelans in this statistical profile are people who self-identified as Hispanics of Venezuelan origin; this means either they themselves are Venezuelan immigrants or they trace their family ancestry to Venezuela. Venezuelans are the […]
report | Jun 19, 2013
Scientists delve deeper into the science behind print books' distinctive smell.
short reads | Jun 19, 2013
Americans often say they want their representatives in Congress to put the country’s needs over local concerns. But four novel experiments suggest that the public does just the opposite. In a new study, respondents rated a member of Congress far more favorably if the lawmaker put the interests of his or her district or state […]
short reads | Jun 19, 2013
A majority of Americans say reports of sexual assaults in the military represent individual acts of misconduct and not underlying problems with military culture.
short reads | Jun 18, 2013
On Wednesday, Barack Obama returns to Berlin, home to one of the more dramatic moments from his first presidential campaign. In July 2008, speaking beneath the city’s 200-foot-tall Victory Column, Obama pledged to heal the transatlantic divisions that had erupted during then-President George W. Bush’s time in office. “The walls between old allies on either […]
short reads | Jun 18, 2013
Before we launched our first major effort to capture the views and opinions of LGBT adults for our series ‘LGBT in Changing Times,’ we convened a focus group to help inform our approach. In March 2013, we assembled 12 LGBT adults from the Washington, D.C. area: five gay men, three transgender adults, two bisexual men […]
report | Jun 18, 2013
Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100%, because they are based on unrounded numbers. Since 2007, the Global Attitudes Project has used an automated process to generate toplines. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those published prior […]
short reads | Jun 18, 2013
About nine-in-ten Americans know someone who is gay or lesbian, and about a quarter say they personally know “a lot” of gay or lesbian people
report | Jun 17, 2013
Overview The public is divided over whether the leak of classified information about NSA phone and internet surveillance serves the public interest. But a majority says that former government contractor Edward Snowden should be criminally prosecuted. The new national survey, conducted June 12-16 by the Pew Research Center and USA TODAY among 1,512 adults, finds […]