Why boys with sisters are more likely to be Republicans
Interesting things happen when little boys grow up with sisters: They are less likely to help mom with housekeeping chores—and they’re more likely to grow up to be Republicans, according to a new paper published in the latest issue of the Journal of Politics (doc). Young men who were raised with sisters also are more likely […]
Obama seeks to improve economic ties with South Africa as China edges in
President Obama’s trip to South Africa this week aims to strengthen economic ties between the two countries at a time when China’s growing economic presence in the region has added a new dynamic. According to the European Commission, in 2011, China accounted for a larger share of South Africa’s trade than the U.S. did. And the […]
How Many Unauthorized Immigrants Would Become U.S. Citizens?
Favorable Views of Business, Labor Rebound
Overview Favorable opinions of both business corporations and labor unions have rebounded from record lows reached in the summer of 2011. Overall, more Americans now hold a favorable (55%) than an unfavorable (39%) view of business corporations; two years ago, opinion was reversed (52% unfavorable, 38% favorable). Similarly, views of labor unions have returned to […]
If they could, how many unauthorized immigrants would become U.S. citizens?
As Congress debates a comprehensive immigration bill, one key element under consideration is whether to offer a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s estimated 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants. If a bill were to pass including such a provision, how many would take advantage of the opportunity? The answer is of course speculative. The Pew Hispanic […]
In China, LGBT citizens seek acceptance
Obama: Marriage benefits should cross state lines; equality should apply universally
Most Americans believe climate change is real, but fewer see it as a threat
Four-in-ten Americans see global climate change as a major threat to the U.S., fewer than publics in other countries.
South Africa Topline and Survey Methods
Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100%, because they are based on unrounded numbers. Since 2007, the Global Attitudes Project has used an automated process to generate toplines. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those published prior […]