Feelings about Japan depend on who’s polled, and where
Chart of the Week: The wide world of bribery
Every year, Transparency International asks people around the world about their experiences with public corruption — more than 114,000 in 107 countries for their latest “Global Corruption Barometer.” The map below depicts the percentage of people in each of the surveyed countries who reported paying a bribe sometime in the past 12 months to any […]
As Obama weighs his decision, most Americans support building Keystone pipeline
Two-thirds of Americans, including majorities among partisan groups, favor building the Keystone XL pipeline that would transport oil from Canada to U.S. refineries.
Japan’s Glaring Image Gap
American Catholics want Pope Francis to address abuse scandal
As Pope Francis begins to address issues facing the church, Pew Research Center surveys of American Catholics finds that seven-in-ten think it's important for the church to address the sex-abuse scandal.
Royal baby news? Most Americans don’t follow the British royal family
Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge – formerly known as Kate Middleton – are expecting the birth of their first child any day now, an event that will once again bring the royal family into the spotlight, whether the public welcomes the news coverage or not. In December 2012, a quarter of Americans said […]
Japanese Public’s Mood Rebounding, Abe Highly Popular
Survey Report After more than two decades of economic turmoil and political transition in Japan, the public’s mood is showing some decided improvement. Japan now has a strongly popular political leadership, and there are indications of a growing Japanese aspiration to play a larger security role on the world stage. Public satisfaction with Japan’s direction […]
Public Esteem for Military Still High
More than three-quarters of Americans continue to believe that members of the military contribute “a lot” to society’s well-being. By contrast, only 37% say clergy make a big contribution to society, and journalists have dropped the most in public esteem since 2009.
American International Engagement on the Rocks
Getting the American public’s attention, let alone commitment to deal with international issues is as challenging as it has ever been in the modern era. The depth and duration of the public’s disengagement these days goes well beyond the periodic spikes in isolationist sentiment that have been observed over the past 50 years.