report | Aug 15, 2013

New Survey Analysis on Morality of Abortion, Stem Cell Research and IVF

Washington, D.C. — Regardless of their views about the legality of abortion, most Americans think that having an abortion is a moral issue, according to a new survey analysis by the Pew Research Center. By contrast, the public is much less likely to see other issues involving human embryos – such as stem cell research […]

report | Aug 15, 2013

Teens Haven’t Abandoned Facebook (Yet)

Our national survey data did not indicate a decrease in the total number of Facebook-using teens, even though the focus group findings suggest that teens’ relationship with Facebook is complicated and may be evolving.

report | Aug 15, 2013

Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice

Teens often rely on themselves and the guidance they get from the websites they use to figure out how to manage their privacy online—but when they do seek advice, they go primarily to peers and parents.

report | Aug 15, 2013

Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice

Teens often rely on themselves and the guidance they get from the websites they use to figure out how to manage their privacy online, but when they do seek advice, they go primarily to peers and parents.

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