feature | Aug 19, 2013
Event Audio http://features.pewresearch.org/religion/Rel_Trends_Aug%208_event.mp3 Download mp3 Americans’ Weakening Ties to Organized Religion, 1973-2012: Generations & Politics Michael Hout New York University Claude S. Fischer University of California, Berkeley Hout&fischer pew 8 aug from Pew Research Center The Significance of the Rise of the Nones: Fundamental Change in Religiosity or Change in Labeling? Frank Newport Gallup Pew […]
transcript | Aug 19, 2013
On Aug. 8, 2013, the Pew Research Center brought together some of the leading experts in survey research on religion in the U.S. for a round-table discussion with journalists, scholars and other stakeholders on the rise of the religious “nones” and other important trends in American religion.
short reads | Aug 19, 2013
For most American mothers, part-time work would be their ideal work situation, preferred over full-time work or not working at all outside the home.
short reads | Aug 19, 2013
New economic figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development showed an increase in public spending among developed countries during the global financial crisis, but a survey of European nations indicated publics were now looking to ratchet it down.
short reads | Aug 19, 2013
While the vast majority of Egyptians are Muslim, about 5% (more than 4 million people) are Christian
short reads | Aug 16, 2013
Some religious groups are pushing for an end to a ban on clergy endorsements of political candidates. Pew Research polling has shown that Americans are wary of church involvement in partisan politics.
short reads | Aug 16, 2013
Participation in the federal food stamp program soared following the 2008-09 financial crisis. Our chart of the week, from the Wall Street Journal, shows how the participation rate differed by state.
short reads | Aug 16, 2013
Although China's trade ties with and economic influence on its Asian and Pacific Rim neighbors are greater than ever, that's doesn't automatically translate into warmer feelings toward the People's Republic among publics in the region.