feature | Aug 19, 2013

Audio and Slides: Religion Trends in the U.S.

Event Audio http://features.pewresearch.org/religion/Rel_Trends_Aug%208_event.mp3 Download mp3 Americans’ Weakening Ties to Organized Religion, 1973-2012: Generations & Politics Michael Hout New York University Claude S. Fischer University of California, Berkeley Hout&fischer pew 8 aug from Pew Research Center The Significance of the Rise of the Nones: Fundamental Change in Religiosity or Change in Labeling? Frank Newport Gallup Pew […]

transcript | Aug 19, 2013

Event Transcript: Religion Trends in the U.S.

On Aug. 8, 2013, the Pew Research Center brought together some of the leading experts in survey research on religion in the U.S. for a round-table discussion with journalists, scholars and other stakeholders on the rise of the religious “nones” and other important trends in American religion.

short reads | Aug 19, 2013

Mothers and work: What’s ’ideal’?

For most American mothers, part-time work would be their ideal work situation, preferred over full-time work or not working at all outside the home.

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