short reads | Aug 21, 2013

British teen’s suicide puts cyber-bullying back in spotlight

The early-August suicide of a 14-year-old British girl and her father’s anguished Facebook posts about it has prompted the website to beef up its anti-bullying tools and practices. It has also reignited the debate over the extent of online bullying and its impact. is a Latvia-based site that allows users to pose and […]

short reads | Aug 21, 2013

Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites

Much has changed for African-Americans since the 1963 March on Washington (which, recall, was a march for "Jobs and Freedom"), but one thing hasn't: The unemployment rate among blacks is still about double that among whites, as it has been for most of the past six decades.

short reads | Aug 21, 2013

Egyptian public to U.S. on aid: Thanks, but no thanks

The recent spate of violent military crackdowns on civilians in Egypt has apparently caused the Obama administration to begin reevaluating aid to Cairo. But when it comes to Egyptian public opinion, cutting U.S. assistance may not provide Washington with as much leverage as many think.

short reads | Aug 20, 2013

Sharp divisions in GOP base on raising the minimum wage

Proposals to raise the minimum wage face stiff opposition in Congress from Republicans, particularly in the House. But within the GOP base, there are sharp educational and income differences over the issue.

report | Aug 19, 2013

Public Backs Cutoff of Military Aid to Egypt

Overview With violence continuing to rage in Egypt, 51% of Americans say it is better for the United States to cut off military aid to Egypt to put pressure on the government. This is nearly double the percentage (26%) saying it is better to continue military aid to the government in order to maintain influence […]

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