Toronto Star: Sunni-Shia split the Mideast’s new great divide
In foreign affairs, Americans are less receptive to moral arguments
Americans generally are less willing to support foreign policies on moral or humanitarian grounds than when they are cast as directly benefiting the United States or its allies.
Chart of the Week: Big drop in birth rate may be leveling off
The release of 2012 statistics on the U.S. birth rates indicates a flattening of the sharp decline in fertility that accompanied the Great Recession.
Catholic leaders urge immigration reform
Some Catholic leaders have thrown their support behind changes in immigration laws, a position that is in line with the views of many U.S. Catholics.
Incarceration gap widens between whites and blacks
Black men were more than six times as likely as white men in 2010 to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails.
What Is The Future of Spanish in the United States?
What is the future of Spanish in the United States?
As the share of Hispanics who speak Spanish falls, the share that speaks only English at home is expected to rise.
What the Public Knows – In Words, Pictures, Maps and Graphs
Overview Before you read the report, test your own News IQ by taking the interactive knowledge quiz. The short quiz tests your knowledge of questions recently asked in a national poll. After completing the quiz, you can compare your score with the general public and with people like yourself. Take the Quiz The latest Pew […]
Wane, Wax, Whatever
In his bilateral discussions with other world leaders at the G-20 Summit, President Barack Obama will be pressing for their support for his proposed military action against Syria’s chemical weapons capability. But his challenge may be less with heads of state than it is with their populations, including his own.