report | Oct 11, 2013

How Americans Get TV News at Home

Even at a time of fragmenting media use, television remains the dominant way that Americans get news at home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Nielsen data. And while the largest audiences tune into local and network broadcast news, it is national cable news that commands the most attention from its viewers.

short reads | Oct 11, 2013

5 facts about the hajj

The annual Muslim hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca is underway, and more than a million pilgrims already have entered Saudi Arabia from abroad. These are five important facts about the hajj.

short reads | Oct 11, 2013

John Boehner’s dilemma – in a chart

Sentiment about GOP leaders has shifted among the Republican rank-and-file since last month, with Tea party Republican more approving of the leaders, while non-Tea Party Republicans are less approving.

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