Railroads and hegemons
Conservatives continue to oppose same-sex marriage but by smaller margins
Support for same-sex marriage has been growing in recent years, with half (50%) of Americans now in favor and 43% opposed.
Chart of the Week: The literacy-productivity connection
For both individuals and nations, greater literacy is linked to greater income.
How Americans Get TV News at Home
Even at a time of fragmenting media use, television remains the dominant way that Americans get news at home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Nielsen data. And while the largest audiences tune into local and network broadcast news, it is national cable news that commands the most attention from its viewers.
Forbes: How long do you really want to live?
Dealing with deficit a top public priority, but little agreement on how
The number of Americans who said reducing the deficit was a top public priority rose 19 points between 2009 and 2013.
Obama no-show isolates allies
5 facts about the hajj
The annual Muslim hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca is underway, and more than a million pilgrims already have entered Saudi Arabia from abroad. These are five important facts about the hajj.
John Boehner’s dilemma – in a chart
Sentiment about GOP leaders has shifted among the Republican rank-and-file since last month, with Tea party Republican more approving of the leaders, while non-Tea Party Republicans are less approving.