See the Pew Research Center’s Global Migration Estimates for 2010, including interactives and data. With recent reports of migrants risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean, Roma communities on the move throughout Europe and alleged abuses of migrant workers in the Middle East, one of the most frequently asked question is: How many migrants are there […]
President Obama called yesterday for action this year on immigration; about half of Americans said passage of major legislation this year was essential.
Women in Saudi Arabia are planning a nationwide protest on October 26 intended to end the longstanding ban on female driving. When it comes to Saudi Arabia's record on protecting personal freedoms, the kingdom has a poor reputation among most of 39 nations surveyed this spring.
On Facebook, the largest social media platform, news is a common but incidental experience, according to an initiative of Pew Research Center in collaboration with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
On Facebook, news is a common but incidental part of the experience, according to a new survey. Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults use Facebook, and half of those users get news there.
On Facebook, news is a common but incidental part of the experience, according to a new survey. Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults use Facebook, and half of those users get news there.
Overview Mexicans and Salvadorans share a positive image of the U.S. Many believe that people who move to the U.S. lead a better life, and most of those who have family or friends who migrated say they have accomplished their goals while there. Salvadorans, 67% of whom have family or friends in the U.S., express […]