Chart of the Week: Do firefighters or musicians have richer parents?
How people's incomes and jobs as adults compare with the households they grew up in.
What happens to the internet after the U.S. hands off ICANN to others?
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a multinational organization that oversees the address book of the internet thanks to a contract issued by the U.S. government. What happens when this contract expires in September 2015?
ACA at Age 4: More Disapproval than Approval
Survey Report As the four-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act approaches, the law remains unpopular with the public. Currently, 53% disapprove of the 2010 health care law while 41% approve of the law. Opinion of the measure is virtually unchanged since last September. However, the new national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted […]
Beware Irrational Exuberance Before India’s Vote
Data Feed: Federal drug prosecutions, American coal exports, social trust, partisan media effects
A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Health Care Law Remains Unpopular
As the fourth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act approaches, the law remains unpopular and there continue to be deep partisan and demographic differences in views of the law. A majority of the law’s opponents, however, want politicians to do what they can to make it work.
Health Care Law’s ‘Contraception Mandate’ Reaches the Supreme Court
On March 25, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases challenging regulations arising from the Affordable Care Act. Both cases involve for-profit businesses whose owners object - for religious reasons - to free coverage of contraceptive services in their employees’ health insurance plans.
Even before Ukraine crisis, views of Putin had grown more negative in U.S., Europe
Vladimir Putin’s third term as Russia’s president had already been marked by clear signs of his intention to reassert his country as a world power before his move to annex Crimea. But whatever impact the latest events have on international opinion about Putin, views about him in the U.S. and allied countries had already turned negative compared to his first took office in 2000.
New Muslim American council aims to measure a diverse community
The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations recently announced its formation, uniting 10 major American Muslim groups.