presentation | Apr 10, 2014

The Future of Libraries

The seven questions libraries need to address as they consider future services and their role for their patrons and communities.

short reads | Apr 10, 2014

Small digital news sites: young, lean and local

A new Pew Research Center State of the News Media analysis finds that the growing digital news world is largely comprised of hundreds of smaller sites, often local in scope, that are working to fill gaps left by legacy reporting cuts.

report | Apr 10, 2014

More Republicans See Health Care Stance as ‘Very Important’ to Midterm Vote

Survey Report In looking ahead to this fall’s elections, Republicans are more likely than Democrats to view a candidate’s position on the Affordable Care Act as very important to their vote. A new national survey finds that 64% of Republican registered voters say a candidate’s stance on the health care law will be very important […]

report | Apr 10, 2014

Despite Protectionist Image, Americans Want Freer Trade with Japan

Broad American support for international commerce, for increased trade with Japan and for the TPP suggests the political climate in Washington for congressional consideration of an eventual TPP deal may not be as negative as it might appear given the current negotiating deadlock over details of the trade agreement.

report | Apr 9, 2014

Support in Principle for U.S.-EU Trade Pact

Survey Report The European Union and the United States are negotiating the most economically significant regional free trade agreement in history: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Publics in Germany and the United States support TTIP and trade expansion in general, especially with each other. But when it comes to specifics, both Americans and […]

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