report | Jun 9, 2014

What kind of library user are you?

Are you a “Library Lover”? An “Information Omnivore”? Or are you totally “Off the Grid”? Take our library engagement quiz to learn how your library habits and attitudes stack up against the general population.

feature | Jun 6, 2014

Library User Quiz

Are you a “Library Lover”? An “Information Omnivore”? Or are you totally “Off the Grid”? Take our library engagement quiz to learn how your library habits and attitudes stack up against the general population.

report | Jun 5, 2014

Big Changes in Stay-at-Home Fatherhood

Not only has the number of stay-at-home fathers nearly doubled in recent years, but fathers who are home with their children are a larger share of stay-at-home parents. This links to a FactTank posting about the numbers and characteristics of stay-at-home fathers, and how they differ from stay-at-home mothers.

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