short reads | Jul 14, 2014

Where the U.S. wiretap hotspots are

While the U.S. continues to address the international fallout from the National Security Agency revelations, a new report from the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts reveals a different kind of wiretapping: a list of where federal and state judges have authorized law enforcement to listen to phone communications as part of criminal investigations throughout 2013.

short reads | Jul 11, 2014

5 facts about alternative weeklies

This week’s 37th annual convention of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia comes at a time of challenge and turmoil in the “alt weekly” world. Here are 5 facts about trends in the industry.

report | Jul 10, 2014

America’s Shifting Statehouse Press

A new study finds 1,592 journalists reporting from U.S. statehouses where the ranks of newspaper reporters have shrunk, the number of journalists at nontraditional outlets has grown and observers worry about the quality of coverage.

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