How many people of different faiths do you know?
A Pew Research Center survey shows how many people in religious groups know other people of different religions.
A Pew Research Center survey shows how many people in religious groups know other people of different religions.
The number of Americans living in multi-generational households, which spiked during the Great Recession, has risen to a record 57 million in 2012, including about one-in-four young adults ages 25-34.
Beleaguered at home, U.S. President Barack Obama remains beloved in many nations abroad, and he is far more popular than his predecessor George W. Bush.
U.S. Christians, as a whole, express negative feelings toward atheists, and the chilliness is reciprocated, according to a Pew Research survey on how Americans rate eight religious groups.
A new Pew Research Center survey finds that President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating has held steady at 44%, even as he receives low marks for his handling of the surge of undocumented child immigrants at the U.S. border.
Survey Report As the president and Congress struggle over how to deal with the influx of thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America across the U.S.-Mexican border, a new survey finds that the public favors a shift in U.S. policy to expedite the legal processing of the children. President Obama gets very low ratings for […]
Washington, July 16, 2014 — Jews, Catholics and evangelical Christians are all viewed warmly by the American public, according to a new national Pew Research Center survey. When asked to rate each group on a “feeling thermometer” ranging from 0 to 100 – where 0 reflects the coldest, most negative possible rating and 100 the […]
When asked to rate religious groups on a "feeling thermometer" ranging from 0 to 100, Americans rate Jews, Catholics and evangelical Christians warmly and atheists and Muslims more coldly.
Census figures show that North Dakota led the nation in population growth over the past five years, at 12%, and men have accounted for two-thirds of it.