short reads | Sep 18, 2014

The nation’s wealth recovers, but largely for those at the top

The nation’s aggregate wealth continues to show signs of recovery, but that wealth recovery has been concentrated on the wealthiest Americans. Meanwhile, the aggregate net worth for America’s economic middle is actually declining.

report | Sep 18, 2014

How is Ideology Linked to Child-Rearing Values?

Respondents in the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel were surveyed about which of 12 traits they feel are “especially important to teach children,” and to then choose the three most important. The total percentages who name each trait among the most important are presented in this interactive chart along a scale of political ideology.

short reads | Sep 18, 2014

For first time, census data on married couples includes same-sex spouses

Census Bureau officials and other experts do not expect counting same-sex spouses along with all other married couples to make a big impact on overall statistics for married couples. But if the number of same-sex married couples continues to rise, that could change.

short reads | Sep 17, 2014

Americans have dim view of trade’s impact on jobs and wages

While 68% of Americans say trade is good for the country, they hold starkly different views than people in other countries around the world when it comes to the supposed benefits of international commerce: job creation and higher wages.

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