The continuing decline of Europe’s Jewish population
The Jewish population in Europe has dropped significantly over the last several decades – most dramatically in Eastern Europe and the countries that make up the former Soviet Union.
The Jewish population in Europe has dropped significantly over the last several decades – most dramatically in Eastern Europe and the countries that make up the former Soviet Union.
The unemployment rate may get most of the attention, but why people are unemployed, and how long they've been out of work, can be just as telling about the state of the economy.
The horrific murder of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh has generated shock and outrage around the globe. And if recent history is a guide, this brutal act will only deepen opposition to ISIS, and to violent extremism more generally, in Jordan and other predominantly Muslim nations.
The U.S.-based members of Investigative Reporters & Editors we surveyed were asked to describe how electronic surveillance and hacking have influenced their work or journalism as a whole.
Two-thirds of IRE journalists believe the U.S. government has probably collected data on their communications. But few have been dissuaded to pursue a story because of such concerns.
As journalism becomes an increasingly digital practice, the data and communications of investigative journalists have become vulnerable to hackers, government surveillance and legal threats. But what are these vulnerabilities – and what steps have investigative journalists taken to protect themselves?
The share of Americans who live in middle-income households has held steady since 2010 – a flat trend that might actually be good news.
NASA continues to be very popular among the public, with four times as many Americans holding a favorable view of the space agency as unfavorable (68% vs. 17%).