How citizens and investigative journalists handle privacy protection
The public's muted response on possible government monitoring of their online behavior differs from that of investigative journalists, whose work makes them potential targets for monitoring.
Share of Unauthorized Immigrant Workers in Production, Construction Jobs Falls Since 2007
Most U.S. unauthorized immigrants hold low-skilled service, construction and production jobs, but those shares have fallen since 2007. In the states, the leading industry employers are hospitality, manufacturing and construction.
Testimony of Jeffrey S. Passel – Unauthorized Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, Industries and Occupations
Written testimony submitted to U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs for a hearing on: Securing the Border: Defining the Current Population Living in the Shadows and Addressing Future Flows
The challenges of using Facebook for research
We wanted to analyze the role Facebook played as a means for people to hear about, discuss and share local news. But getting the data we needed wasn't easy.
How the U.S. compares with the rest of the world on religious restrictions
The U.S. ranks in the middle range of the nearly 200 countries we analyzed to assess restrictions on religion and social hostilities toward religious groups.
6 facts about public opinion in Nigeria before election day
Nigerians head to the polls this weekend for a long-delayed presidential election. Here's what they had to say about the state of their country when we surveyed them in the spring of 2014.
A majority of English-speaking Hispanics in the U.S. are bilingual
This widespread bilingualism has the potential to affect future generations of Latinos, a population that is among the fastest growing in the nation.
On Twitter, local news is hard to find
Here's a rundown of what worked and what didn't in using Twitter for our research of three local news ecosystems.
Case study: More residents see local news quality as better than worse
And more think keeping up with local news has gotten easier than harder, according to our analysis of the media landscape in three U.S. cities.