When Did Democrats Become America’s Free Trade Believers?
As Washington debates “fast track” trade negotiating authority, politicians are out of sync with a turn in public sentiment.
As Washington debates “fast track” trade negotiating authority, politicians are out of sync with a turn in public sentiment.
Survey Report The public continues to support U.S. drone strikes targeting extremists in Pakistan and elsewhere, despite ongoing concerns that drone attacks endanger lives of innocent civilians. The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted May 12-18 among 2,002 adults, finds that 58% approve of the U.S. conducting missile strikes from drones to target […]
Despite some reforms, the island country's economy remains dominated by the government and state-owned enterprises.
40-Nation survey conducted March 25 – May 27, 2015
As Congress considers a major new trade pact with Asia, there is broad public agreement that international free trade agreements are good for the United States. But fewer Americans express positive views of the impact of trade deals on their personal finances.
Fact Tank sat down with David Campbell, a professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame, to explore what the new findings mean.
A majority of LGB adults are religiously affiliated, but they are much less likely to be Christian than the general public and are more drawn to smaller, non-Christian denominations.
Hillary's strategic problem is that, absent a strong Democratic challenger to duke it out with, questions about various Hillary controversies, her age and the “Bill factor” will hang there to be resolved in the general election against a Republican candidate who has been on the road addressing his or her own image weaknesses.
About half of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans (47%) said that they served with a comrade that had been killed. That number rises to 62% among soldiers who were in combat.
Over the past two decades, major newspapers across the country have seen a recurring cycle of ownership changes and steep declines in value.