Media Contact: Katherine Ritchey, Communications Manager 202-419-4372, Washington, June 16, 2015 — On the eve of a forthcoming encyclical by Pope Francis on the environment and climate change, a new Pew Research Center survey finds U.S. Catholics’ views on global warming are broadly reflective of American public opinion writ large; a solid majority believe that […]
Is race purely about the races in your family tree? Our new survey of multiracial adults suggests there’s more to racial identity that goes beyond one’s ancestry.
As the Obama White House and its NATO allies discuss their responses to Russia’s activities in Ukraine, Washington faces its own internal divisions, some of which are being reflected in the early stages of the 2016 presidential campaign.
Our new survey of multiracial Americans finds that, for two-thirds of Hispanics, their Hispanic background is a part of their racial background – not something separate.
While Russians are downbeat about their economy, they still strongly support President Vladimir Putin, have increasingly negative views of Western countries and leaders, and are nostalgic for the Soviet era.
For much of its history, America has discussed race in the singular form. But the language of race is changing. Ten multiracial Americans share their views of race, identity, relationships and the future.