report | Oct 15, 2015

Deep Divisions in Turkey as Election Nears

Turks are split on whether their democratic system is working, and views of Erdogan are at their lowest since 2012. But they still prefer a democratic form of government over a strong leader to guide their country.

short reads | Oct 13, 2015

Digital romance: How teen boys and girls differ

Thanks to texting and social media, teens today have many more ways to reach out to a crush than in the analog days of using the family telephone and passing notes in the hallways.

short reads | Oct 12, 2015

5 facts about Democrats in 2015

Here's what our recent survey found about today's Democrats, who remain loyal to Obama and in recent years have increasingly considered themselves liberal.

report | Oct 8, 2015

On Immigration Policy, Wider Partisan Divide Over Border Fence Than Path to Legal Status

Survey Report As immigration emerges as a key issue in the presidential campaign, there is little common ground between Republicans and Democrats in views of several immigration policy proposals. But partisan disagreements are much more pronounced on some issues than others. Overall, the public continues to be divided over building a fence along the entire […]

report | Oct 8, 2015

Social Media Usage: 2005-2015

Nearly two-thirds of American adults (65%) use social networking sites, up from 7% when Pew Research Center began tracking social media usage in 2005.

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