report | Jan 7, 2016

Saudi Arabia Favorability Topline

Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. For further details on sample designs, see our international survey methods database. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Not all questions included in the Spring 2015 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted […]

short reads | Jan 6, 2016

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population

Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population.

video | Jan 5, 2016

Who plays video games in America?

Though the majority of Americans think most video games players are men, equal numbers of men and women report playing video games. Yet, men are twice as likely to call themselves “gamers.”

short reads | Dec 31, 2015

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