report | Jan 29, 2016


The analysis in this blog post on smartphone use is based on a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 10, 2015 through July 12, 2015 among a national sample of 2,001 adults, 18 years of age or older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

report | Jan 29, 2016

American Fear of China Weighs on U.S. Election

Asia is once again on the minds of the leading U.S. presidential candidates and the American public. Americans' negative views of China are as strong as they have ever been.

short reads | Jan 28, 2016

Partisan divide grows over value of Washington experience

With the first 2016 nomination contests at hand, a new survey underscores the extent to which Republicans have come to place less value on a presidential candidate’s prior experience in office – especially experience as a Washington official.

report | Jan 28, 2016

2012 Republican Primary Voters: More Conservative Than GOP General Election Voters

Survey Report Next week, Republican voters will begin the process of selecting their party’s 2016 presidential nominee. One of the major questions will be which GOP voters turn out, and which stay home. A person’s past voting history can be a powerful predictor of future turnout. A new analysis of the Republican electorate in 2012, […]

short reads | Jan 27, 2016

The demographic trends shaping American politics in 2016 and beyond

In an era of head-snapping racial, social, cultural, economic, religious, gender, generational and technological change, Americans have been sorting themselves into think-alike communities that reflect not only their politics but their demographics.

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