There are deep divisions in Israeli society over political values and religion's role in public life -- not only between Jews and the Arab minority, but also among the religious subgroups that make up Israeli Jewry.
About one-in-ten Americans (9%) did not learn about this year’s presidential election in a given week from any of 11 types of sources asked about in a January Pew Research Center survey. One striking trait of this group is their lack of faith in the impact of voting. Half of this group thinks that their […]
The number of UN peacekeeping forces around the world has peaked in recent months after falling off in the late 1990s, following a period of trial and error for UN interventions.
White Republicans with a college degree differ from those without a degree in their views on immigration, racial issues, politics and government, and business.
The U.S. electorate this year will be the country’s most diverse ever, and that is evident in several Super Tuesday states, in which blacks could have a significant impact.