How Americans view the Black Lives Matter movement
General awareness of Black Lives Matter is widespread among black and white U.S. adults, but attitudes about the movement vary considerably between groups.
General awareness of Black Lives Matter is widespread among black and white U.S. adults, but attitudes about the movement vary considerably between groups.
54% of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters think disagreements within the party will keep many Republicans from supporting Trump. Fewer (38%) think the party will solidly unite behind him.
The rise of the Zika virus has caught public attention, and people are particularly worried about its threat to pregnant women
The rise of the Zika virus has caught public attention, and people are particularly worried about its threat to pregnant women
As Republicans and Democrats prepare for their party conventions later this month, a new national survey paints a bleak picture of voters’ impressions of the presidential campaign and the choices they face in November.
See data on voter preference over time.
In 2014, the median level of religious hostilities in the Middle East and North Africa reached a level four times that of the global median.
Digital innovation has had a major impact on the public's news habits. How have these changes shaped Americans’ appetite for and attitudes toward the news?
News remains an important part of public life. But Americans are cautious as they move into today’s more complex news environment and discerning in their evaluation of available news sources.
A median of 57% across the 11 NATO member countries surveyed voiced favorable views of the coalition, with only about a quarter (median of 27%) expressing negative opinions.