The Political Party scale was determined by selecting a set of questions from Pew Research Center’s March 2016 political survey representing a range of policy issues and political values that are each consistently associated with party identification. A logistic regression, a technique employed to estimate the independent contribution of multiple factors in predicting a particular […]
Answer 11 questions and find out where you fit on the partisan political spectrum. And see how you compare with other Americans by age, race, religion and gender.
For the past several years, large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans have favored making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks.
A new gene-editing method called CRISPR exemplifies how the technology is rapidly becoming a present-day reality. Yet, Americans are wary of editing embryos, according to a survey on the broader field of “human enhancement.”
Immigration policy has been a focal point of Donald Trump’s campaign since he first announced he was running for president. Here's a look at where his supporters stand on the issue.
As the percentage of U.S. adults who do not identify with a religious group grows, we asked these people to explain, in their own words, why they left.
Political parties’ ideological stances are in the eye of the beholder: Republicans and Democrats see the opposite party as more ideologically extreme than their own.
At least three-quarters of adults under 30 talked to a congregation member or friend during their search, compared with just over half of those 65 or older.