report | Sep 7, 2016


This analysis of internet usage is based on a compilation of 100 surveys and over 233,000 interviews among the general public conducted by the Pew Research Center from March 2000 to May 2016. These surveys are combined, allowing for comparisons of trends among different demographic groups across years. Yearly totals are calculated by combining all […]

short reads | Sep 7, 2016

House seats rarely flip from one party to the other

Big partisan shifts in the House of Representatives happen, but not often. In only three of the past 12 election cycles has one party posted a net gain of more than 30 seats, and on average 93% of House members who seek re-election are voted back into office.

feature | Sep 6, 2016

Hispanic Population and Origin in Select U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 2014

U.S. map showing 30 metro areas with the largest Hispanic populations. Population totals are included, along with percentage of those who are foreign born and under-18. Additionally, 6 Hispanic-origin groups are tracked: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Dominican and Guatemalan.

report | Sep 1, 2016

Book Reading 2016

A growing share of Americans are reading e-books on tablets and smartphones rather than dedicated e-readers, but print books remain much more popular than books in digital formats

short reads | Aug 30, 2016

Americans skeptical about the potential use of synthetic blood

Americans are more worried than excited or enthusiastic about the potential for healthy people to use synthetic blood (63% vs. 36%). And a majority of Americans – roughly six-in-ten – said they would not want synthetic blood substitutes in their own body to improve their abilities, while 35% would be open to it.

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