A small group of prolific users account for a majority of political tweets sent by U.S. adults
These users make up just 6% of all U.S. adults with public accounts, but they account for 73% of tweets from adults that mention politics.
These users make up just 6% of all U.S. adults with public accounts, but they account for 73% of tweets from adults that mention politics.
The findings of this analysis paint a nuanced picture of just how prevalent political speech is among U.S. adults on Twitter.
Financial independence is one of the many markers used to designate the crossover from childhood into young adulthood, and it’s a milestone most Americans (64%) think young adults should reach by the time they are 22 years old, according to a new Pew Research Center study. But that’s not the reality for most young adults who’ve reached this age.
Researchers are learning more about early political socialization. Emerging techniques to fight misinformation are seeing some success.
A median of 58% of adults across 33 countries have a favorable opinion of the EU, while just 27% hold an unfavorable view.
Americans overwhelmingly are aware of the upcoming 2020 census, and more than eight-in-ten say they definitely or probably will participate.
Despite broadly positive sentiments among Germans about the changes of the past 30 years, views differ in some notable ways in the former West and East.
(Traduzione da una versione in inglese) WASHINGTON, D.C. (15 ottobre 2019) – Trent’anni dopo la caduta del comunismo, un nuovo sondaggio del Pew Research Center rivela che poche persone nell’ex blocco orientale si rammaricano dei cambiamenti epocali avvenuti tra il 1989 e il 1991. Eppure non sono neanche del tutto soddisfatte della loro attuale situazione politica o […]
(Fordítás angolról) WASHINGTON, D.C., (2019. október 15.) – A Pew Research Center a kommunizmus bukásának harmincadik évfordulóján készített új felmérése megállapítja, hogy a korábbi keleti blokk országaiban kevés ember bánja az 1989–1991. között végbement változásokat, annak ellenére, hogy nem teljes mértékben elégedettek a jelenlegi politikai vagy gazdasági helyzetükkel sem. Hasonlóan a nyugati társaikhoz, a közép- és […]
(tłumaczenie wersji w języku angielskim) Waszyngton, D.C. (15 października 2019 r.) – w trzydzieści lat po upadku komunizmu nowe badanie przeprowadzone przez Centrum Badawcze Pew Research Center pokazuje, że niewielu mieszkańców byłego bloku wschodniego wyraża ubolewanie z powodu fundamentalnych zmian, jakie zaszły w latach 1989–1991. Jednocześnie nie są w pełni zadowoleni ze swojej aktualnej sytuacji politycznej czy ekonomicznej. Podobnie jak mieszkańców Europy Zachodniej, obywateli Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej martwi […]