report | Aug 27, 2010

Obama’s Middle East Problem

While global publics largely take a positive view of President Obama, he receives his lowest marks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – and his ratings are especially poor in the Arab nations of the Middle East.

report | Aug 27, 2010

Obama’s Middle East Problem

While global publics largely take a positive view of the president's leadership and foreign policy, he receives his lowest marks on dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- and his ratings on this issue are especially negative in the Arab nations of the Middle East.

report | Aug 27, 2010

Older Adults and Social Media

Social networking use among internet users ages 50 and older has nearly doubled—from 22% to 42%—over the past year. Status updating has also grown in popularity among older users; one in ten say they use Twitter or another service to share updates...

report | Aug 27, 2010

Older Adults and Social Media

Social networking use among internet users ages 50 and older nearly doubled—from 22% in April 2009 to 42% in May 2010.

report | Aug 26, 2010

Five Years After Katrina, Most Say Nation is Not Better Prepared

Overview Five years after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, a majority of Americans (57%) say that the nation is no better prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters than it was in 2005. However, the public does see progress in rebuilding New Orleans and the Gulf region: 69% say there has […]

report | Aug 26, 2010

Islamic Issues Ignite the Blogosphere

The argument over the Park 51 Islamic center continued in the blogosphere last week, but this time, mosque supporters dominated. Bloggers also reacted to a poll that more Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. On Twitter, an article declaring "The Web is dead" was No. 1. And on YouTube, an obscene gesture drove a popular video.

report | Aug 26, 2010

Five Years After Hurricane Katrina

Most Americans say that the nation is no better prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters than it was in 2005. However, the public does see progress in rebuilding New Orleans and the Gulf region.

report | Aug 25, 2010

Mosque Debate Tops Coverage, But Not News Interest

Summary of Findings While the media focused on the emotionally-charged debate over plans to build an Islamic mosque and cultural center near the World Trade Center site in New York City last week, the public continued to track the Gulf oil leak. About a third of the public (34%) says they followed news about the […]

report | Aug 25, 2010

100 Days of Gushing Oil – Media Analysis and Quiz

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico proved to be a complex, technical and long-running saga that taxed the media’s resources and attention span. A new PEJ study highlights eight key points in the oil spill coverage. And a new quiz tests how much you know about media coverage of the disaster.

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