short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Unauthorized Immigrants Entering the U.S. Down

An annual average of 300,000 unauthorized immigrants entered the U.S. between 2007 and 2009, down sharply from 2000 to 2005 when about 850,000 entered the U.S. each year.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Fewer Unauthorized Immigrants

The number of unauthorized immigrants currently living in the U.S. fell by 8% between March 2007 and March 2009.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Do You Sleep With Your Cell Phone?

Nearly two-thirds of adults with cell phones say they have slept with their phone on or right next to their bed.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Texting: Adults vs. Teens

Among those who use text messages, teens send and receive five times as many texts as adults.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Email vs. Social Networks

Young adults are just as likely to check their email as their Facebook account on a typical day; older adults still favor email.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Older Adults Tweeting

One-in-ten online adults ages 50-64 use Twitter or another status-updating service.

short reads | Sep 13, 2010

Friending Grandma

More than four-in-ten internet users ages 50 and older now use social networking sites.

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