report | Sep 30, 2010

An Obama Quote Stokes the Blogosphere

Conservative bloggers last week expressed outrage over a passage from Bob Woodward’s new book. Tweeters were galvanized by a security flaw on Twitter. And YouTube viewers were interested in some provocative statements a GOP Senate candidate made on television more than a decade ago. 

report | Sep 29, 2010

Elections Dominate Coverage, Not Public Interest

Summary of Findings While the 2010 midterm congressional elections dominated media coverage last week, the public focused more on news about the nation’s struggling economy. Nearly a quarter (23%) of the public says they followed news about the economy more closely than any other major story. Just 6% say they followed news about this year’s […]

report | Sep 29, 2010

Using Census Data to Document Economic Distress

The Census Bureau just released its 2009 American Community Survey statistics, and included some additional analysis to address public interest in using the data to document the impact of the economic downturn.

short reads | Sep 29, 2010

One Recession, Two Americas

While a small majority of Americans experienced a mix of hardships during the recession, nearly half were largely free of economic difficulties.

short reads | Sep 29, 2010

No Partisan Advantage on Economy

In dealing with the economy, as many Americans say the Republicans can do a better job as say that about the Democrats.

short reads | Sep 29, 2010

No Compromise

The public prefers political leaders who stick to their positions over those who make compromises.

short reads | Sep 29, 2010

Taxed Enough Already?

Despite increased anti-government sentiment, more Americans say they pay about the right amount in taxes than say they pay more than their fair share.

short reads | Sep 29, 2010

Okay to “Walk Away” from a Mortgage

More than a third of Americans say it is acceptable to “walk away” from a home mortgage, at least under certain circumstances.

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