Latinos in the 2010 Elections: Wisconsin
There are 106,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Wisconsin, 3% of all eligible voters in the state.
There are 106,000 eligible Hispanic voters in Wisconsin, 3% of all eligible voters in the state.
Using 2008 American Community Survey data, the Pew Hispanic Center has constructed demographic and socioeconomic profiles of eligible Hispanic voters in 27 states with the largest numbers of them.
Newly released statistical profiles provide key demographic and socioeconomic information about Latino eligible voters in 27 states. An interactive feature provides key eligible voter statistics in the nation's 50 states and the District of Columbia along with Hispanic population estimates in 435 congressional districts.
Summary of Findings Reflecting today’s fragmented news landscape, about half of the public offers no specific answer when asked to name the journalist or newsperson they most admire. No journalist is named by more than 5% of the public in response to an open-ended question. While individual mentions are few, the most frequently named journalists […]
With the 2010 midterm season upon us, bloggers of various political stripes last week focused intently on politics and the state of the U.S. economy. On Twitter, technology topics again led the way. And the most popular YouTube video was a phony satirical story about a young pop idol.
As the digital world has expanded far beyond the desktop, consumers can now choose from an array of devices capable of satisfying their need for “anytime, anywhere†access to news, information, friends and entertainment.
Among married couples with their own children under 18 at home, the share with a working wife and unemployed husband went up in 41 states in 2009, compared with the year before, according to a new Census Bureau analysis of data from the American Community Survey.
Data from Pew Research Center polling this year suggest that the landline-only bias is as large, and potentially even larger, than it was in 2008.
19% of Americans have tried video calls or video chat or teleconferencing online and on cell phones.