PEW RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PRESS MAY 2004 POLITICAL/BELIEVABILITY FINAL TOPLINE May 3 - 9, 2004 N=1800 ON FORM ONE Q.1 PRECEDES Q.2 --- ON FORM TWO, Q.2 PRECEDES Q.1 Q.1 Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? [IF DK ENTER AS DK. IF DEPENDS PROBE ONCE WITH: Overall do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? IF STILL DEPENDS ENTER AS DK] Dis- Don't Approve approve know May, 2004 44 48 8=100 Late April, 2004 48 43 9=100 Early April, 2004 43 47 10=100 Late March, 2004 47 44 9=100 Mid-March, 2004 46 47 7=100 February, 2004 48 44 8=100 Mid-January, 2004 56 34 10=100 Early January, 2004 58 35 7=100 2003 December, 2003 57 34 9=100 November, 2003 50 40 10=100 October, 2003 50 42 8=100 September, 2003 55 36 9=100 Mid-August, 2003 56 32 12=100 Early August, 2003 53 37 10=100 Mid-July, 2003 58 32 10=100 Early July, 2003 60 29 11=100 June, 2003 62 27 11=100 May, 2003 65 27 8=100 April 10-16, 2003 72 22 6=100 April 9, 2003 74 20 6=100 April 2-7, 2003 69 25 6=100 March 28-April 1, 2003 71 23 6=100 March 25-27, 2003 70 24 6=100 March 20-24, 2003 67 26 7=100 March 13-16, 2003 55 34 11=100 February, 2003 54 36 10=100 January, 2003 58 32 10=100 2002 December, 2002 61 28 11=100 Late October, 2002 59 29 12=100 Early October, 2002 61 30 9=100 Mid-September, 2002 67 22 11=100 Early September, 2002 63 26 11=100 Late August, 2002 60 27 13=100 August, 2002 67 21 12=100 Late July, 2002 65 25 10=100 July, 2002 67 21 12=100 June, 2002 70 20 10=100 Dis- Don't Approve approve know April, 2002 69 18 13=100 Early April, 2002 74 16 10=100 February, 2002 78 13 9=100 January, 2002 80 11 9=100 2001 Mid-November, 2001 84 9 7=100 Early October, 2001 84 8 8=100 Late September, 2001 86 7 7=100 Mid-September, 2001 80 9 11=100 Early September, 2001 51 34 15=100 August, 2001 50 32 18=100 July, 2001 51 32 17=100 June, 2001 50 33 17=100 May, 2001 53 32 15=100 April, 2001 56 27 17=100 March, 2001 55 25 20=100 February, 2001 53 21 26=100 ON FORM ONE Q.1 PRECEDES Q.2 --- ON FORM TWO, Q.2 PRECEDES Q.1 Q.2 All in all, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today? Sat- Dis- No isfied satisfied Opinion May, 2004 33 61 6=100 Late February, 2004 39 55 6=100 Early January, 2004 45 48 7=100 December, 2003 44 47 9=100 October, 2003 38 56 6=100 August, 2003 40 53 7=100 April, 2003 50 41 9=100 January, 2003 44 50 6=100 September, 2002 41 55 4=100 Late August, 2002 47 44 9=100 May, 2002 44 44 12=100 March, 2002 50 40 10=100 Late September, 2001 57 34 9=100 Early September, 2001 41 53 6=100 June, 2001 43 52 5=100 March, 2001 47 45 8=100 February, 2001 46 43 11=100 January, 2001 55 41 4=100 September, 2000 51 41 8=100 June, 2000 47 45 8=100 April, 2000 48 43 9=100 August, 1999 56 39 5=100 January, 1999 53 41 6=100 November, 1998 46 44 10=100 Early September, 1998 54 42 4=100 Late August, 1998 55 41 4=100 Early August, 1998 50 44 6=100 February, 1998 59 37 4=100 January, 1998 46 50 4=100 September, 1997 45 49 6=100 August, 1997 49 46 5=100 January, 1997 38 58 4=100 July, 1996 29 67 4=100 March, 1996 28 70 2=100 October, 1995 23 73 4=100 June, 1995 25 73 2=100 April, 1995 23 74 3=100 July, 1994 24 73 3=100 March, 1994 24 71 5=100 October, 1993 22 73 5=100 September, 1993 20 75 4=100 Sat- Dis- No isfied satisfied Opinion May, 1993 22 71 7=100 January, 1993 39 50 11=100 January, 1992 28 68 4=100 November, 1991 34 61 5=100 Late Feb, 1991 (Gallup) 66 31 3=100 August, 1990 47 48 5=100 May, 1990 41 54 5=100 January, 1989 45 50 5=100 September, 1988 (RVs) 50 45 5=100 May, 1988 41 54 5=100 January, 1988 39 55 6=100 ROTATE QUESTIONS A.1 AND A.2, WITH A.3 ALWAYS LAST ASK FORM 2 ONLY [N=897]: A.1F2 Please tell me what one word best describes your impression of John Kerry. Tell me just the ONE best word that describes him. (OPEN-END. PROBE ONCE IF RESPONDENT ANSWERS "DON'T KNOW." ACCEPT UP TO TWO RESPONSES, BUT DO NOT PROBE FOR SECOND RESPONSE). Gore May 2004* Feb 2004 March 2000 16 Good 45 Honest 24 Boring 16 Hopeful 26 Democrat 12 Good 16 Okay 21 Good 9 Fair 12 Better/than Bush 15 Liberal 9 Capable 12 Liar 14 Fair 9 Honest 12 Unknown 11 Phony 8 Okay 11 Politician 12 Arrogant 7 Politician 10 Liberal 10 Politician 7 Dull 9 Dishonest 10 Qualified 7 I like him 9 Indecisive 9 Intelligent 6 Dishonest 9 Wishy-washy 9 Knowledgeable 6 Incompetent 8 Democrat 9 Presidential 6 Environmentalist 7 Dislike 8 Veteran 6 Dislike 7 Don't like 7 Sincere 6 Follower 7 Idiot 7 Tall 5 Great 7 Undecided 7 Competent 5 Weak 7 Untrustworthy 6 Experienced 5 Intelligent 7 Weak 6 Ambitious 5 Alright 6 Capable 6 Honorable 5 Mediocre 6 Competent 6 Charismatic 5 Fake 6 Fair 5 Interesting (N=585) 6 President/Presidential 5 Truthful 6 Uncertain (N=752) 6 Unsure 5 Boring 5 Intelligent 5 Loser * The numbers listed represent the number of respondents who offered each response; the numbers are not percentages. ASK FORM 2 ONLY [N=897]: A.2F2 Please tell me what one word best describes your impression of George W. Bush. Tell me just the ONE best word that describes him. (OPEN-END. PROBE ONCE IF RESPONDENT ANSWERS "DON'T KNOW". ACCEPT UP TO TWO RESPONSES, BUT DO NOT PROBE FOR SECOND RESPONSE). May 2004* Feb 2004 May 2003 30 Honest 27 Honest 29 Honest 29 Good 24 Fair 21 Good 26 Incompetent 24 Leader 20 Arrogant 26 Leader 21 Liar 16 Leader 24 Arrogant 17 Arrogant 13 Great 16 Strong 14 Strong 12 Confident 15 Integrity 12 Christian 12 Courageous 13 Idiot 13 Excellent 11 Aggressive 11 Christian 13 Good 11 Christian 10 Determined 12 Integrity 11 Determined 10 Stupid 9 Stupid 11 Integrity 9 Liar 9 Incompetent 10 Patriot/Patriotic 8 Trustworthy 8 Dishonest 9 Cowboy 7 Aggressive 7 Confident 8 Competent 7 Committed 7 Determined 8 Decisive 7 Dishonest 7 Idiot 8 Idiot 7 Okay 7 Patriotic 8 President 6 Dedicated 7 Ass 8 Strong 6 Fair 6 Character 7 Adequate 6 President 6 Poor 7 Excellent 6 War/warrior 6 Selfish 7 Fair 5 Brave (N=748) (N=602) 5 Confident 5 Courageous 5 Decisive 5 Dumb 5 Excellent 5 Great 5 Honorable 5 Straight-forward * The numbers listed represent the number of respondents who offered each response; the numbers are not percentages. ASK FORM 2 ONLY [N=897]: A.3F2 And what ONE word best describes your impression of Dick Cheney. (OPEN-END. PROBE ONCE IF RESPONDENT ANSWERS "DON'T KNOW". ACCEPT UP TO TWO RESPONSES, BUT DO NOT PROBE FOR SECOND RESPONSE). May 2004* 23 Okay 17 Good 14 Intelligent 11 Invisible 11 Supportive 11 Untrustworthy 9 Arrogant 9 Liar 9 Sneaky 8 Honest 7 Alright 7 Old 7 Smart 6 Competent 6 Crook 6 Experienced 6 Like/likeable 6 Unknown 5 Dishonest 5 Evil 5 Greedy 5 Knowledgeable 5 Puppet/puppet master 5 Trust/trustworthy * The numbers listed represent the number of respondents who offered each response; the numbers are not percentages. Q.3 How much thought have you given to the coming presidential election . . . Quite a lot or only a little? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: Quite (VOL.) Only a (VOL.) DK/ A lot Some Little None Ref. May, 2004 59 6 30 4 1=100 Late March, 2004 60 4 31 4 1=100 Mid-March, 2004 65 2 31 2 *=100 Early November, 2000 72 6 19 2 1=100 Late October, 2000 66 6 24 4 *=100 Mid-October, 2000 67 9 19 4 1=100 Early October, 2000 60 8 27 4 1=100 September, 2000 59 8 29 3 1=100 July, 2000 46 6 45 3 *=100 June, 2000 46 6 43 5 *=100 May, 2000 48 4 42 5 1=100 April, 2000 45 7 41 7 *=100 Q.3 CONTINUED... Quite (VOL.) Only a (VOL.) DK/ A lot Some Little None Ref. November, 1996 67 8 22 3 *=100 October, 1996 65 7 26 1 1=100 Late September, 1996 61 7 29 2 1=100 Early September, 1996 56 3 36 4 1=100 July, 1996 55 3 41 1 *=100 June, 1996 50 5 41 3 1=100 October, 1992 77 5 16 1 1=100 September, 1992 69 3 26 1 1=100 August, 1992 72 4 23 1 *=100 June, 1992 63 6 29 1 1=100 Gallup: November, 1988 73 8 17 2 0=100 Gallup: October, 1988 69 9 20 2 0=100 Gallup: August, 1988 61 10 27 2 0=100 Gallup: September, 1988 57 18 23 2 0=100 ASK FORM 1 ONLY [N=904]: Q.4F1 All in all, have you been hearing too much, too little, or about the right amount about the presidential campaign so far? Late March 2004 Mid-March 2004 Total RVs Total RVs Total RVs 28 29 Too much 28 30 31 33 24 21 Too little 17 14 18 15 42 45 Right amount 48 50 48 49 6 5 Don't know/Refused 7 6 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 (N=730) NO QUESTION 5 ASK ALL: Q.6 Now, suppose the 2004 presidential election were being held TODAY. If you had to choose between George W. Bush, the Republican, John Kerry, the Democrat and Ralph Nader [READ; ROTATE KERRY AND BUSH WITH NADER ALWAYS LAST] who would you vote for? IF OTHER OR DK (Q.6 =4,9), ASK: Q.6a As of TODAY, do you LEAN more to [READ, ROTATE IN SAME ORDER AS Q.6]? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: Late Mid- March March 2004 2004 43 George W. Bush, the Republican/Lean Bush 44 42 46 John Kerry, the Democrat/Lean Kerry 43 49 6 Ralph Nader/Lean Nader 6 4 5 Other/DK (VOL.) 7 5 100 100 100 ASK ALL: Q.7 Suppose there were only two major candidates for president and you had to choose between George W.Bush, the Republican and John Kerry, the Democrat [READ, ROTATE] Who would you vote for? IF OTHER OR DK (3,9 IN Q.7) ASK: Q.7a As of TODAY, do you LEAN more to [READ, ROTATE IN SAME ORDER AS Q.7]? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: Bush/ Kerry/ Other/ Lean Bush Lean Kerry DK May, 2004 45 50 5=100 Late March, 2004 46 47 7=100 Mid-March, 2004 43 52 5=100 Late February, 2004 44 48 8=100 Early February, 2004 47 47 6=100 Early January, 2004 52 41 7=100 October, 2003 50 42 8=100 May, 2000 46 Bush 45 Gore 9=100 April, 1996 40 Dole 54 Clinton 6=100 May, 1992 46 Bush, Sr. 43 Clinton 11=100 May, 1988 40 Bush, Sr. 53 Dukakis 7=100 THOSE WHO CHOSE JOHN KERRY (IN Q.7/Q.7a), ASK: Q.8 Would you say that your choice is more a vote FOR John Kerry or more a vote AGAINST George W. Bush? THOSE WHO CHOSE GEORGE W. BUSH (IN Q.7/Q.7a), ASK: Q.9 Would you say that your choice is more a vote FOR George W. Bush or more a vote AGAINST John Kerry? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: ----------- KERRY ------------ ------------- BUSH -------------- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Other/ 2004 Total Kerry Bush decid Total Bush Kerry decid DK May 50 15 32 3 45 33 10 2 5=100 Late Mar 47 17 27 3 46 36 8 2 7=100 Mid-Mar 52 21 29 2 43 34 7 2 5=100 Feb 47 15 30 2 47 39 6 2 6=100 ----------- GORE ------------ ------------- BUSH -------------- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Other/ 2000 Total Gore Bush decid Total Bush Gore decid DK Nov 45 29 14 2 41 27 12 2 14=100 Sept 47 30 14 3 41 24 14 3 12=100 ----------- CLINTON ------------ ----------- DOLE -------- -------------PEROT---------- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Other/ 1996 Total Clinton other decid Total Dole other decid Total Perot Other decid DK Nov 51 33 15 3 32 15 15 2 9 4 5 * 8=100 Oct 51 33 16 2 34 15 18 1 8 4 4 * 7=100 Sept 52 35 15 2 34 16 17 1 8 3 5 0 6=100 Mar 53 30 20 3 41 15 25 1 -- -- -- -- 6=100 ---------- CLINTON ---------- ---------- BUSH --------- -----------PEROT------------- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Other/ 1992 Total Clinton other decid Total Bush other decid Total Perot Other decid DK Oct 48 23 22 3 35 19 13 3 8 3 5 * 9=100 Sept 53 21 29 3 38 20 16 2 -- -- -- -- 9=100 Aug 57 27 28 2 37 20 16 1 -- -- -- -- 6=100 Mar 44 13 29 2 49 32 15 2 -- -- -- -- 7=100 ---------- DUKAKIS ---------- ------------- BUSH -------------- Pro- Anti- Un- Pro- Anti- Un- Other/ 1988 Total Dukakis Bush decid Total Bush Dukakis decid DK Oct 42 23 15 4 50 31 16 3 8=100 Sept 44 21 19 4 50 31 15 4 6=100 May 53 23 26 4 40 26 11 3 7=100 THOSE WHO DID NOT CHOOSE KERRY IN Q.7/7a, ASK: Q.10 Do you think there is a chance that you might vote for John Kerry in November, or have you definitely decided not to vote for him? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: Late Mid- Late Early ------- Gore 2000 ------- - Clinton - March March Feb Feb Late Mid- Early July May 2004 2004 2004 2004 Nov Oct Oct Oct Sept June 1996 1992 11 Chance might vote for him 13 13 13 15 8 9 10 11 13 14 8 11 35 Decided not to vote for him 37 32 36 33 41 44 40 38 35 34 36 38 4 Don't know/Refused 3 3 3 5 6 4 5 7 5 6 4 6 50% 53% 48% 52% 53% 55% 57% 55% 56% 53% 54% 48% 55% THOSE WHO DID NOT CHOOSE BUSH IN Q.7/7a, ASK: Q.11 Do you think there is a chance that you might vote for George W. Bush in November, or have you definitely decided not to vote for him? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: Late Mid- Late Early ------- Bush 2000 --------- Dole Bush,Sr March March Feb Feb Late Mid- Early July May 2004 2004 2004 2004 Nov Oct Oct Oct Sept June 1996 1992 9 Chance might vote for him 11 11 10 10 8 10 12 11 15 15 15 8 42 Decided not to vote for him 40 44 43 41 44 41 40 39 38 33 40 40 4 Don't know/Refused 3 2 3 2 7 4 5 7 6 6 3 5 55% 54% 57% 56% 53% 59% 55% 57% 57% 59% 54% 58% 53% ASK ALL: Regardless of who you might support in November Q.12 Over the past few weeks has your overall impression of [INSERT NAME; ROTATE] gotten better , gotten worse, or stayed about the same? [INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT SAYS "Already bad, can't get any worse" or "Already good, can't get any better" CODE AS PUNCH 3 "Stayed the same"] Gotten Gotten Stayed about Don't know/ Better Worse the same Refused a. George W. Bush 7 26 65 2=100 b. John Kerry 12 16 66 6=100 Q.13 Regardless of who you might support, who do you think is most likely to win the coming presidential election? [READ] BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=1465]: "A Democratic Candidate" George H.W. Bush Early Feb Mid-Jan Sept June March Feb Oct 2004 2004 2003 2003 1992 1992 1991 52 George W. Bush, or 56 61 47 66 72 66 78 31 John Kerry 32 21 34 22 20 25 11 17 Don't know/Refused 12 18 19 12 8 9 11 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ASK FORM 1 ONLY: Q.14F1 As I read a list of phrases, tell me if you think each phrase better describes John Kerry or George W. Bush. (INSERT ITEM; RANDOMIZE) BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=730]: (VOL.) George John (VOL.) Both W. Bush Kerry Neither Equally DK/Ref. a.F1 Would use good judgment in a crisis 47 35 4 5 9=100 Late March, 2004 46 36 2 3 13=100 Mid-March, 2004 48 39 2 5 6=100 Late-October, 2000 43 42 2 5 8=100 Mid-October, 2000 40 42 5 8 5=100 Early October, 2000 36 43 4 10 7=100 September, 2000 38 44 3 8 7=100 June, 2000 44 37 5 6 8=100 b.F1 Personally likable 42 39 6 8 5=100 Late March, 2004 40 40 5 8 7=100 Mid-March, 2004 40 44 4 8 4=100 Late-October, 2000 48 39 5 5 3=100 Mid-October, 2000 44 38 5 9 4=100 Early October, 2000 41 38 4 12 5=100 September, 2000 37 44 3 12 4=100 June, 2000 42 36 7 9 6=100 c.F1 Honest and truthful 34 36 17 4 9=100 Late March, 2004 37 38 12 3 10=100 Mid-March, 2004 35 39 16 5 5=100 Late-October, 2000 43 32 15 5 5=100 Mid-October, 2000 38 30 19 6 7=100 Early October, 2000 36 32 17 8 7=100 September, 2000 35 37 13 9 6=100 June, 2000 35 31 19 7 8=100 d.F1 Cares about people like me 34 45 8 5 8=100 Late March, 2004 38 42 9 3 8=100 Mid-March, 2004 34 48 8 4 6=100 Late-October, 2000 40 43 8 5 4=100 Q.14F1 CONTINUED... (VOL.) George John (VOL.) Both W. Bush Kerry Neither Equally DK/Ref. Mid-October, 2000 40 42 7 7 4=100 Early October, 2000 35 44 11 5 5=100 September, 2000 31 47 9 7 6=100 e.F1 A strong leader 50 31 8 4 7=100 Late March, 2004 51 33 4 2 10=100 Mid-March, 2004 52 34 4 4 6=100 Late-October, 2000 44 41 6 6 3=100 Mid-October, 2000 42 39 9 6 4=100 Early October, 2000 41 38 7 10 4=100 September, 2000 44 38 7 6 5=100 f.F1 Willing to take a stand, even if it's unpopular 65 23 3 4 5=100 Late March, 2004 59 28 3 3 7=100 Mid-March, 2004 63 27 1 5 4=100 Late-October, 2000 49 35 7 4 5=100 Mid-October, 2000 49 35 6 5 5=100 Early October, 2000 43 35 8 6 8=100 September, 2000 45 37 8 5 5=100 June, 2000 46 32 9 5 8=100 g.F1 Is down to earth 43 40 8 3 6=100 Late March, 2004 44 36 7 5 8=100 Mid-March, 2004 43 42 5 5 5=100 May, 2000 41 46 5 2 6=100 h.F1 Stubborn 68 12 4 5 11=100 i.F1 Changes his mind too much 30 42 8 5 15=100 ASK FORM 2 ONLY: Q.15F2 Regardless of who you support, which one of the presidential candidates George W. Bush or John Kerry do you think would do the best job of (INSERT ITEM; RANDOMIZE. IF RESPONDENT MENTIONS ANYONE OTHER THAN BUSH OR KERRY PROBE ONCE: "IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN BUSH AND KERRY. . . " ) ? BASED ON REGISTERED VOTERS [N=735]: George John (VOL.) W. Bush Kerry Neither DK/Ref. a.F2 Improving economic conditions 38 48 5 9=100 Late March, 2004 39 44 6 11=100 Mid-March, 2004 37 53 2 8=100 Q.15F2 CONTINUED... George John (VOL.) W. Bush Kerry Neither DK/Ref. Late-October, 2000 40 46 6 8=100 Mid-October, 2000 37 49 3 11=100 Early October, 2000 35 47 6 12=100 September, 2000 38 46 5 11=100 June, 2000 38 41 5 16=100 March, 2000 42 46 4 8=100 b.F2 Improving the health care system 29 51 7 13=100 Late March, 2004 33 46 6 15=100 Mid-March, 2004 29 57 4 10=100 Late-October, 2000 38 47 5 10=100 Mid-October, 2000 37 48 4 11=100 Early October, 2000 36 49 5 10=100 September, 2000 32 51 6 11=100 June, 2000 31 44 6 19=100 March, 2000 31 51 6 12=100 c.F2 Improving education 35 50 5 10=100 Late March, 2004 39 43 5 13=100 Mid-March, 2004 36 42 3 9=100 Late-October, 2000 41 45 4 10=100 Mid-October, 2000 40 46 3 11=100 Early October, 2000 41 43 6 10=100 September, 2000 39 45 4 12=100 June, 2000 34 44 5 17=100 March, 2000 42 44 3 11=100 d.F2 Improving the job situation 35 50 5 10=100 Late March, 2004 37 45 7 11=100 Mid-March, 2004 30 57 5 8=100 e.F2 Making wise decisions about U.S. trade policies 40 40 6 14=100 Late March, 2004 38 39 5 18=100 Mid-March, 2004 38 48 3 11=100 July, 1996 40 40 6 14=100 f.F2 Making wise decisions about what to do in Iraq 44 41 4 11=100 Late March, 2004 49 37 4 10=100 Mid-March, 2004 47 45 2 6=100 g.F2 Defending the country from future terrorist attacks 52 33 5 10=100 Late March, 2004 53 29 4 14=100 Mid-March, 2004 57 32 4 7=100 Q.15F2 CONTINUED... George John (VOL.) W. Bush Kerry Neither DK/Ref. h.F2 Making wise decisions about foreign policy 43 42 4 11=100 Late March, 2004 44 38 4 14=100 Mid-March, 2004 44 45 3 8=100 March, 2000 40 46 4 10=100 Early September, 1996 42 44 6 8=100 July, 1996 44 42 4 10=100 October, 1992 53 27 9 11=100 ASK ALL: Now thinking about Iraq Q.18 Do you think the U.S. made the right decision or the wrong decision in using military force against Iraq? Right Wrong Don't know/ decision decision Ref. May, 2004 51 42 7=100 Late April, 2004 54 37 9=100 Early April, 2004 57 35 8=100 Mid-March, 2004 55 39 6=100 Late February, 2004 60 32 8=100 Early February, 2004 56 39 5=100 Mid-January, 2004 65 30 5=100 Early January, 2004 62 28 10=100 December, 2003 67 26 7=100 Q.18 CONTINUED... Right Wrong Don't know/ decision decision Ref. October, 2003 60 33 7=100 September, 2003 63 31 6=100 August, 2003 63 30 7=100 Early July, 2003 67 24 9=100 May, 2003 74 20 6=100 April 10-16, 2003 74 19 7=100 April 8-9,2003 74 19 7=100 April 2-7, 2003 72 20 8=100 March 28-April 1, 2003 69 25 6=100 March 25-27, 2003 74 21 5=100 March 23-24, 2003 74 21 5=100 March 20-22, 2003 71 22 7=100 Late January, 1991 77 15 9=100 Q.19 How well is the U.S. military effort in Iraq going? [READ IN ORDER] Very Fairly Not too Not at all Don't know/ well well well well Ref. May, 2004 10 36 32 19 3=100 Late April, 2004 12 43 26 15 4=100 Early April, 2004 14 43 26 13 4=100 Mid-March, 2004 16 45 26 11 2=100 Early February, 2004 17 46 23 11 3=100 Mid-January, 2004 22 51 18 6 3=100 Early January,2004 23 47 18 7 5=100 December, 2003 28 47 16 6 3=100 October, 2003 16 44 25 11 4=100 September, 2003 15 47 26 9 3=100 August, 2003 19 43 24 11 3=100 Early July, 2003 23 52 16 5 4=100 April 10-16, 2003 61 32 3 1 3=100 April 8-9, 2003 60 32 3 3 2=100 April 2-7, 2003 55 37 3 2 3=100 March 25-April 1, 2003 39 46 8 2 5=100 March 23-24, 2003 45 41 6 2 6=100 March 20-22, 2003 65 25 2 1 7=100 Q.20 Do you think the U.S. should keep military troops in Iraq until a stable government is established there, or do you think the U.S. should bring its troops home as soon as possible? Late Early Early April April Jan Oct Sept 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 53 Keep troops in Iraq 53 50 63 58 64 42 Bring troops home 40 44 32 39 32 5 Don't know/Refused 7 6 5 3 4 100 100 100 100 100 100 Q.21 Thinking about the people you know, would you say they are becoming LESS emotionally involved in the news from Iraq than they were, MORE emotionally involved, or are the people you know about as involved as they had been? 26 Less emotionally involved 33 More emotionally involved 36 About as involved as they have been 1 Mixed / Some more, some less (VOL.) 4 Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 100 Q.22 Regardless of how you yourself feel about the war in Iraq, do you think CRITICISM of how the war is being handled is UNpatriotic, is patriotic, or neither? 22 Is UNpatriotic 23 Is patriotic 49 Neither 6 Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 100 ASK IF 1 OR 2 IN Q.22 Q.22a Why do you feel that way? [OPEN END: DO NOT PROBE] NOTE: RESPONSES NOT CODED. USED FOR ANALYSIS IN REPORT QUESTIONS N.1 TO N.3 WERE ASKED MAY 5 TO MAY 9 ONLY [N=1203]: N.1 How much, if anything, have you heard about reports of mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops a lot, a little, or nothing at all? 58 A lot 34 A little 7 Nothing at all 1 Don't know/Refused 100 N.2 Did you happen to see any of the pictures on which the reports of mistreatment are based, or not? Falluja Early April 2004 76 Yes 55 24 No 45 * Don't know/Refused * 100 100 N.3 Based on what you've seen or heard, do you think the press is giving too much, too little, or the right amount of attention to these reports? 36 Too much 17 Too little 39 Right amount 8 Don't know/Refused 100 ASK ALL: Now, I have just a few questions about you and your family EMPLOY Are you now employed full-time, part-time or not employed? Full-time Part-time Not employed Don't know/Ref. May, 2004 54 10 35 1=100 Late February, 2004 49 12 39 *=100 Early February, 2004 51 13 36 *=100 June, 2002 55 10 35 *=100 June, 2001 54 11 35 *=100 January, 2001 52 12 35 1=100 Late September, 1999 56 13 31 *=100 August, 1999 58 11 30 1=100 Early September, 1998 55 12 33 *=100 November, 1997 55 12 33 *=100 May, 1997 53 12 35 *=100 June, 1996 57 13 30 *=100 February, 1995 55 11 34 *=100 July, 1994 55 12 33 *=100 March, 1994 53 14 32 1=100 IF EMPLOYED FULL OR PART TIME" (1,2 IN EMPLOY) ASK [N=1167]: Q.24 Do you now earn enough money to lead the kind of life you want, or not? Yes No DK/Ref May, 2004 51 48 1=100 Late February, 2004 53 46 1=100 June, 2002 43 56 1=100 January, 2001 43 56 1=100 Late September, 1999 42 58 *=100 August, 1999 39 60 1=100 Early September, 1998 43 57 *=100 November, 1997 41 59 *=100 May, 1997 46 54 *=100 June, 1996 44 56 *=100 February, 1995 41 58 1=100 July, 1994 40 60 *=100 Q.24 CONTINUED... Yes No DK/Ref March, 1994 44 56 *=100 October, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report. 36 63 1=100 August, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 33 66 1=100 May, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 34 65 1=100 January, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 39 61 *=100 IF 'NO' (2 IN Q.24) ASK: Q.25 Do you think you will be able to earn enough money in the future to lead the kind of life you want, or not? Yes No DK/Ref May, 2004 25 19 4=48% Late February, 2004 26 19 1=46% June, 2002 30 23 3=56% January, 2001 33 21 2=56% Late September, 1999 33 23 2=58% August, 1999 38 19 3=60% Early September, 1998 36 20 1=57% November, 1997 33 24 2=59% May, 1997 34 18 2=54% June, 1996 34 20 2=56% February, 1995 35 20 3=58% July, 1994 34 24 2=60% March, 1994 33 20 3=56% October, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 35 36 5=63% August, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 36 25 5=66% May, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 34 28 3=65% January, 1992 U.S. News & W. Report 34 22 5=61% IF NOT EMPLOYED OR DK/REF (3,9 IN EMPLOY) ASK [N=633]: Q.26 Do you now have enough income to lead the kind of life you want, or not? Late Feb 2004 50 Yes 48 47 No 50 3 Don't know/Refused 2 100 100 IF 'NO' (2 IN Q.26) ASK: Q.27 Do you think you will have enough income in the future to lead the kind of life you want, or not? Late Feb 2004 18 Yes 21 25 No 23 4 Don't know/Refused 6 47% 50%