This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals:

Solomon Messing, Director, Data Labs
Patrick van Kessel, Data Science Associate
Adam Hughes, Research Associate
Nick Judd, Data Labs Fellow
Rachel Blum, Data Labs Fellow
Brian Broderick, DevOps Engineer
Rachel Weisel, Communications Manager
Peter Bell, Information Graphics Designer
Travis Mitchell, Digital Producer

In addition, the report benefited from feedback provided by the following Pew Research Center experts:

Claudia Deane, Vice President, Research
Michael Dimock, President
Ruth Igielnik, Research Associate
Galen Stocking, Research Associate
Katerina Matsa, Senior Researcher
Brad Jones, Research Associate
Andrew Mercer, Senior Methodologist
Amy Mitchell, Director, Journalism Research
Jocelyn Kiley, Associate Director, Research  

The following external scholars provided valuable feedback: Justin Grimmer, Sean J. Westwood, Doug Rice, and Andrew J. Clarke. Participants at the 2016 “New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data” conference also provided useful feedback. While the analysis was guided by our consultations with these advisers, the Pew Research Center is solely responsible for the interpretation and reporting of the data.