FINAL TOPLINE
                                July 7-10, 2005

Q.1  Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? [IF DK ENTER AS DK.  IF DEPENDS PROBE ONCE WITH:
     Overall do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?  IF STILL DEPENDS ENTER AS DK]

                                Dis-    Don't
                     Approve   approve  know
July, 2005             47        46     7=100
June, 2005             42        49     9=100
May, 2005              43        50     7=100
Late March, 2005       49        46     5=100
Mid-March, 2005        45        46     9=100
February, 2005         46        47     7=100
January, 2005          50        43     7=100
December, 2004         48        44     8=100
Mid-October, 2004      44        48     8=100
August, 2004           46        45     9=100
July, 2004             46        46     8=100
June, 2004             48        43     9=100
May, 2004              44        48     8=100
Late April, 2004       48        43     9=100
Early April, 2004      43        47    10=100
Late March, 2004       47        44     9=100
Mid-March, 2004        46        47     7=100
February, 2004         48        44     8=100
Mid-January, 2004      56        34    10=100
Early January, 2004    58        35     7=100
December, 2003         57        34     9=100
November, 2003         50        40    10=100
October, 2003          50        42     8=100
September, 2003        55        36     9=100
Mid-August, 2003       56        32    12=100
Early August, 2003     53        37    10=100
Mid-July, 2003         58        32    10=100
Early July, 2003       60        29    11=100
June, 2003             62        27    11=100
May, 2003              65        27     8=100
April 10-16, 2003      72        22     6=100
April 9, 2003          74        20     6=100
April 2-7, 2003        69        25     6=100
March 28-April 1, 2003 71        23     6=100
March 25-27, 2003      70        24     6=100
March 20-24, 2003      67        26     7=100
March 13-16, 2003      55        34    11=100
February, 2003         54        36    10=100
January, 2003          58        32    10=100
December, 2002         61        28    11=100
Late October, 2002     59        29    12=100
Early October, 2002    61        30     9=100
Mid-September, 2002    67        22    11=100
Early September, 2002  63        26    11=100
Late August, 2002      60        27    13=100
August, 2002           67        21    12=100
Late July, 2002        65        25    10=100
July, 2002             67        21    12=100
June, 2002             70        20    10=100
April, 2002            69        18    13=100
Early April, 2002      74        16    10=100
February, 2002         78        13     9=100
January, 2002          80        11     9=100
Mid-November, 2001     84         9     7=100
Early October, 2001    84         8     8=100
Late September, 2001   86         7     7=100
Mid-September, 2001    80         9    11=100
Early September, 2001  51        34    15=100
August, 2001           50        32    18=100
July, 2001             51        32    17=100
June, 2001             50        33    17=100
May, 2001              53        32    15=100
April, 2001            56        27    17=100
March, 2001            55        25    20=100
February, 2001         53        21    26=100

Q.2X How closely have you been following news about the terrorist bombings in London, England? [READ]
                                       Madrid          Bali
                                   Mid-March 2004   Late Oct 2002
     36   Very closely                  34              20
     40   Fairly closely                35              34
     17   Not too closely  OR           18              25
      6   Not at all closely            12              20
      1   Don't know/Refused (VOL.)      1               1
    100                                100             100

ASK FORM 1 ONLY [N=486]:
Q.9XF1  Now I'd like your views on some people.  (First,) would you say your overall opinion of  [INSERT
        ITEM; RANDOMIZE] is very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly UNfavorable, or very unfavorable?  [INTERVIEWERS: PROBE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN
                                                                                        Never     Can't
                                      -------Favorable------    -----Unfavorable-----  Heard of   Rate
                                       Total  Very   Mostly     Total  Very   Mostly    (VOL)     (VOL)
a.F1  George W. Bush                    53     23      30        45     26      19        0       2=100
      Late March, 2005                  53     23      30        45     27      18        0       2=100
      Mid-October, 2004 (RVs)           56     26      30        42     23      19        *       2=100
      Early October, 2004 (RVs)         57     27      30        40     20      20        0       3=100
      Early September, 2004             52     25      27        43     24      19        *       5=100
        September 11-14                 49     24      25        46     27      19        0       5=100
        September 8-10                  55     28      27        40     21      19        *       5=100
      August, 2004                      58     27      31        39     22      17        0       3=100
      June, 2004                        52     19      33        45     22      23        *       3=100
      Early February, 2004              53     21      32        44     25      19        0       3=100
  Gallup: January 29 - February 1, 2004 52     --      --        47     --      --       --       1=100
  Gallup: January 2-5, 2004             65     --      --        35     --      --       --       *=100
  Gallup: October 6-8, 2003             60     --      --        39     --      --       --       1=100
  Gallup: June 9-10, 2003               66     --      --        33     --      --       --       1=100
      April, 2003                       72     37      35        25     11      14        0       3=100
      December, 2002                    68     35      33        27     11      16        0       5=100
      July, 2001                        61     22      39        35     14      21        *       4=100
      January, 2001                     60     24      36        33     12      21        0       7=100
      May, 2000                         58     18      40        31     12      19        1      10=100
      March, 1999                       61     21      40        21      7      14        4      14=100
      November, 1997                    54     13      41        18      6      12        9      19=100

c.F1  British Prime Minister Tony Blair 66     23      43        10      3       7        5      19=100
      Late February, 2004               75     37      38        11      4       7        4      10=100
      April, 2003                       68     32      36        10      3       7       10      12=100

Q.10X How worried are you that there will soon be another terrorist attack in the United States? [READ]

                             Very    Somewhat  Not too   Not at all   DK/Refused
                           worried   worried   worried    worried       (VOL)
     July, 2005               25       44        19         11         1=100
     Mid-October, 2004        17       43        27         12         1=100
     August, 2004             20       44        25         10         1=100
     July, 2004               17       41        26         15         1=100
     June, 2004               25       42        20         12         1=100
     Mid-March, 2004          20       42        25         12         1=100
     Early February, 2004     13       42        28         16         1=100
     Mid-January, 2004        20       45        24         10         1=100
     August, 2003             13       45        29         12         1=100
     March, 2003              22       42        20         14         2=100
     February, 2003           34       41        17          7         1=100
     January, 2003            18       50        23          8         1=100
     December, 2002           31       42        18          8         1=100
     Early October, 2002      20       46        22         11         1=100
     Late August, 2002        16       46        25         12         1=100
     June, 2002               32       44        17          7         *=100
     January, 2002            20       42        28          9         1=100
     December, 2001           13       39        27         19         2=100
     October 15-21, 2001      29       42        18         10         1=100
     October 10-14, 2001      27       40        19         12         2=100
     Early October, 2001      28       45        15         11         1=100

Q.24X  Do you think that the terrorist attacks over the past few years are a part of a major conflict between the
       people of America and Europe versus the people of Islam, or is it only a conflict with a small, radical group?
Q.24Y  Do you think this conflict is going to grow into a major world conflict, or do you think it will remain
       limited to a small, radical group?
                                                         Late Aug     Mid-Oct
                                                           2002        2001
     28   Major conflict                                    35          28
     62   Conflict with a radical group                     52          63
       25   Is going to grow into a major world conflict     19          --
       33   Will remain limited to a small, radical group    28          --
        4   Don't know/Refused                                5          --
     10   Don't know/Refused                                13           9
    100                                                    100         100