Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Knight Foundation is a social investor committed to supporting informed and engaged communities.

Pew-Knight Initiative seeks to empower Americans seeking to navigate the current media and technology landscape and to provide critical insights to news providers seeking to serve citizens more effectively. In this era of technological disruption, Americans must be able to discern reliable information amidst ever-evolving platforms to effectively engage with their communities. 

“High-quality news and information are essential to an effective and stable democracy. Our partnership with Knight Foundation allows us to explore the changing ways people get information with rigorous, innovative methods and a long-range focus.”

Michael Dimock, President, Pew Research Center

We seek to go beyond measuring the information people receive to understand what they choose to trust, act upon, and share with others. We are transparent with our data and methods to help advance the broader field of research on how people are engaging with news, information, and technology. 


short reads | Feb 21, 2024

Introducing the Pew-Knight Initiative

The Pew-Knight Initiative will deliver a comprehensive, real-time look at the information landscape from the standpoints of both consumers and producers of news.

Engage WIth US


Press Release:
Pew Research Center and Knight Foundation Announce Multiyear Partnership, Pew-Knight Initiative

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Sogand Afkari

Rebecca Dinar


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Director, News and Information Research
Director, Internet and Technology Research
Director, Data Labs