This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals:
Primary Researchers
Scott Keeter, Director, Survey Research
Kyley McGeeney, Research Methodologist
Ruth Igielnik, Research Analyst
Andrew Mercer, Research Methodologist
Nancy Mathiowetz, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Collaborating Researchers
Claudia Deane, Vice President, Research
Cary Funk, Associate Director, Research
Jeff Gottfried, Research Associate
Courtney Kennedy, Abt SRBI
Charles DiSogra, Abt SRBI
Chintan Turakhia, Abt SRBI
Nick Bertoni, Abt SRBI
Molly Caldaro, Abt SRBI
Marci Schalk, Abt SRBI
Editorial and Graphic Design
Bill Webster, Information Graphics Designer
Communications and Web Publishing
Rachel Weisel, Communications Associate
Michael Suh, Associate Digital Producer