Data Labs uses data science methods to complement and expand on the Center’s research agenda. We generate original research by collecting data from a wide range of sources and analyzing it using computational techniques.

Some of our major publications have explored topics such as Americans’ use of social media; the content of #BlackLivesMatter tweets; what school districts across the country promote in their mission statements; popular accounts on “alternative” social media platforms; and the content of sermons delivered in churches across the country.

We also explore the tools and methods behind our work on the Center’s Decoded blog and manage the research computing infrastructure of the organization.

The Center created Data Labs to take advantage of the explosion of new data sources that can shed light on public behaviors and attitudes – and of new types of tools and methods that can convert this diffuse data into unique findings. Our goal is to extract meaning from data through creative design, innovative methods, thoughtful measurement and sound deployment.

Find the latest research from Data Labs here.