The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism did not publishing a full Weekly News Index report for November 22-28, 2010. PEJ is, however, making the data available.

View the week’s Top Ten Story List

Top Ten Story Data, November 22-28, 2010

Overall (All 5 Sectors)

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Economic Crisis 14%
2 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 13
3 North Korea 12
4 2010 Election Results 5
5 Afghanistan 4
6 2012 Presidential Elections 3
7 Holiday Travel 2
8 Sarah Palin 2
9 European Economy 2


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 12%
2 Economic Crisis 11
3 Afghanistan 7
4 2010 Election Results 7
5 North Korea 6
6 Truvada HIV/AIDS Medication 3
7 European Economy 3
8 China 3
9 Immigration 3


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 North Korea 18%
2 Economic Crisis 13
3 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 10
4 2010 Election Results 5
5 Truvada HIV/AIDS Medication 4
6 Afghanistan 3
7 Holiday Travel 3
8 European Economy 3
9 Cyberspace Issues 2

Network TV

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Economic Crisis 17%
2 North Korea 16
3 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 12
4 Thanksgiving Holiday 6
5 Afghanistan 5
6 Holiday Travel 4
7 Prince William Engagement 4
8 Sarah Palin 2
9 Cyberspace Issues 2

Cable TV

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Economic Crisis 18%
2 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 17
3 2012 Presidential Elections 7
4 North Korea 7
5 Sarah Palin 5
6 2010 Election Results 5
7 Afghanistan 3
8 US Auto Industry 2
9 Obama Administration 2


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Terror Threats/ Homeland Security 17%
2 North Korea 16
3 Economic Crisis 11
4 2010 Election Results 10
5 2012 Presidential Elections 5
6 Obama Administration 4
7 Health Care Debate 2
8 Thanksgiving Holiday 2
9 European Economy 2