Privacy management on social media sites
Most users choose restricted privacy settings while profile “pruning†and unfriending people is on the rise
Our May 2011 tracking survey contains data on mobile phone ownership and usage, as well as profile management on social networking sites.
Important note for analysis of mobile activities: To analyze certain mobile activities questions (Q14a through Q14h; Q17a through Q17i; and Cell11a through Cell11c) based on all cell owners, use the “total” version in the data set (i.e. Q14atot instead of Q14a, Q17atot instead of Q17a, Cell11atot instead of Cell11a). The topline data and crosstabulation files have been recalculated based on all cell owners for these questions.
Our May 2011 tracking survey contains data on mobile phone ownership and usage, as well as profile management on social networking sites.
Important note for analysis of mobile activities: To analyze certain mobile activities questions (Q14a through Q14h; Q17a through Q17i; and Cell11a through Cell11c) based on all cell owners, use the “total” version in the data set (i.e. Q14atot instead of Q14a, Q17atot instead of Q17a, Cell11atot instead of Cell11a). The topline data and crosstabulation files have been recalculated based on all cell owners for these questions.
Most users choose restricted privacy settings while profile “pruning†and unfriending people is on the rise
Social networking sites are appealing as a way to maintain contact with close ties and reconnect with old friends.
31% of text message users prefer texting to voice calls, and young adults stand out in their use of text messaging.
55% of smartphone owners use their phones to get location-based directions or recommendations, while geosocial services and location-tagging features are less popular.
Women maintain their foothold on social networking site use, and older Americans are still coming aboard. Most users describe their experiences in positive terms.
Mobile devices help solve problems, but also create new annoyances.
Fully 71% of online Americans use video-sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Rural internet users have caught up to others in their use of these sites, and minorities are more likely than whites to visit them.
35% of US adults own a smartphone of some kind, and one quarter of smartphone owners say that their phone is where they do most of their online browsing.
Adoption rate of e-readers surges ahead of tablet computers
13% of online adults use Twitter, and half of Twitter users access the service "on the go" via mobile phone.