Spring Tracking Survey 2008

Final Topline, 5/19/08

Data for April 8 – May 11, 2008

Princeton Survey Research Associates International for the Pew Internet & American Life Project 

Sample: n = 2,251 adults, age 18 and older
Interviewing dates: 04.08.08 – 05.11.08

  • Margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points for results based on total sample [n=2,251]
  • Margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for results based on internet users [n=1,553]


Q24     Here’s another list of activities people sometimes do online.  Please tell me whether you ever do each one, or not.  Do you ever… [INSERT – ASK IN ORDER]?

Based on internet users [N=1,553] Here’s another list of activities people sometimes do online. Please tell me whether you ever do each one, or not. Do you ever... [INSERT – ASK IN ORDER]?

Q25     Thinking about these various services you have used to store personal information, photos or other data online, please tell me if each of the following is a MAJOR reason you use these services, a MINOR reason, or not a reason at all for you.  (RANDOMIZE)

Based on those who use online services to store personal information [N=999] Thinking about these various services you have used to store personal information, photos or other data online, please tell me if each of the following is a MAJOR reason you use these services, a MINOR reason, or not a reason at all for you. (RANDOMIZE)

Q26     Thinking about your data, such as email, photos and other files that you put on these online services… How concerned, if at all, would you be if companies that provide these services [INSERT ITEM IN ORDER]…very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned, or not at all concerned?

Based on those who use online services to store personal information [N=999] Thinking about your data, such as email, photos and other files that you put on these online services… How concerned, if at all, would you be if companies that provide these services [INSERT ITEM IN ORDER]...very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned, or not at all concerned?