So, you’ve decided you’re going to jump on to the Web 2.0 bandwagon and start a company that builds its business model around user-generated video content — good.

You’ve got a sleek interface, you’ve secured financial backing, and you’ve managed to create a viral buzz of activity around your beta version — even better.

But now that you have a community of users uploading and sharing their homespun video creations with the world, how do you ensure that you’ll continue to attract fresh and compelling content that will keep your viewers coming back for more years from now?

The good news is that you’ve made a safe bet that internet users are increasingly comfortable with posting content online. The Pew Internet Project recently reported that 35% of adult internet users, about 48 million people, have posted some kind of content online—whether it’s contributing to a blog, a personal website, sharing artwork, photos, stories or video.

But sharing photos on Flickr and posting daily updates to a blog are altogether different animals when compared with the time it takes to write, direct and edit a short video that millions of people will actually want to watch. Fortunately, much of the popular content on video sites has proved to be neither scripted nor edited; many of the clips are simply captured from everyday life (