Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrant Population, by State, Selected Years  1990-2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrant Population, by State, Selected Years 1990-2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants in Labor Force, by State, Selected Years 1995-2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants in Labor Force, by State, Selected Years 1995-2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants in the Total Population, Labor Force and Foreign-Born Population, by State, 2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants in the Total Population, Labor Force and Foreign-Born Population, by State, 2012 Share of Elementary and Secondary School Students with Unauthorized Immigrant Parent(s), by State, 2012 Top Countries of Birth of Unauthorized Immigrants, by State, 2012 Top Countries of Birth of Unauthorized Immigrants, by State, 2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants, by Region of Birth, Selected Years 1995-2012 Share of Unauthorized Immigrants, by Region of Birth, Selected Years 1995-2012 Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrants, for Largest Countries of Birth, Selected Years 1995-2012