For this report, we grouped people into two political categories: those who supported the governing parties and those who did not. Because the Israeli government collapsed after fieldwork, for purposes of this report, we consider the governing parties to be those that held power as part of the Bennett-Lapid coalition during the duration of our fieldwork: Blue-White, New Hope, Israel is Our Home, Labor Party, Meretz, Ra’am (United Arab List), Yesh Atid (There is a Future) and Yamina.

The categories of those who supported the governing parties and those who did not are coded on the basis of respondents’ answers to a question asking them which political party, if any, they identified with. All eight parties that governed as part of the Bennett-Lapid coalition are considered governing parties as part of this analysis. Survey respondents who did not indicate support for any political party, or who refused to identify with one, were considered to be not supporting the government in power.