Results for the survey are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International, which manages the fieldwork conducted by local research organizations in each country. All surveys are based on national samples except in China, India, and Pakistan, where the sample was disproportionately or exclusively urban.
The table below shows the margin of sampling error based on all interviews conducted in that country. For results based on the full sample in a given country, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling and other random effects is plus or minus the margin of error. In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls.
Country: China
Sample design: Probability sample in six cities and surrounding rural areas – Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xinxiang, Jinzhong, and Luzhou
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 to 60
Languages: Chinese (dialects: Mandarin, Beijingese, Cantonese, Sichun, Hubei, Dongbei, Shanghaiese)
Fieldwork dates: April 7-18, 2006
Sample size: 2180
Margin of Error: 2%
Representative: Disproportionately urban
Country: India
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18-64
Languages: Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali
Fieldwork dates: April 15-May 3, 2006
Sample size: 2029
Margin of Error: 2%
Representative: Urban only
Country: Japan
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus
Languages Japanese
Fieldwork dates: March 31-April 21, 2006
Sample size: 500
Margin of Error: 5%
Representative: Telephone households
Country: Pakistan
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Urdu
Fieldwork dates: April 7-28, 2006
Sample size: 1277
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Disproportionately urban
Country: Russia
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Russian
Fieldwork dates: April 6-16, 2006
Sample size: 1000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population
Country: United States
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Telephone adults 18 plus
Languages: English
Fieldwork dates: May 2-14, 2006
Sample size: 1001
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Telephone households in continental U.S.