Laws aimed at LGBT community in the former Soviet Union
Sortable table below showing major laws aimed at the LGBT community in the 15 countries that once made up Soviet Union.
Sortable table below showing major laws aimed at the LGBT community in the 15 countries that once made up Soviet Union.
More countries see climate change as a top international threat, but many people also name ISIS and cyberattacks as their top security concern.
Almost 160 years after Charles Darwin publicized his groundbreaking theory on the development of life, Americans are still arguing about evolution
Pew Research Center estimates that 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants, the lowest level in a decade, lived in the U.S. in 2016
Explore detailed tables on the number and share of immigrants and emigrants by country.
Detailed information on Pew Research Center international survey meethodology, such as mode of interview, sampling design, margin of error, and design effect, for each country we survey, organized by survey, country and year.
How do European countries differ in religious commitment? Use our interactive map to find out.
We asked thousands of Americans where they find meaning in life. Their responses were rich, thoughtful and varied.
More than 29 million Latinos are eligible to vote nationwide in the 2018 midterm elections. See how the share of Latino voters varies by state and congressional district.